实验动物科学是在现代科学技术革命带动下诞生的一门综合性的新兴学科 ,是现代科学技术的重要组成部分。为了更好地推进生命科学等相关领域的科技进步和创新 ,促进人类生存质量的不断提高 ,必须大力发展实验动物科学。本文在就此进行充分论述的基础上 。
Laboratory animal science is a new and developing integrated subject,which is born by means of science and technology revolution in the modern times, and is the important component of modern science and technology. We should develop laboratory animal science energetically in order to promote constantly raising of mankind's existence quality , and to push on advance and innovation of science and technology related to life science. Some strategy and measures are put forward to develop laboratory animal science of our country, based on full discussion at this point.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine