坚持两大纲领的统一必须建立在对“三个规律”的深刻认识上。现阶段坚持两大纲领的统一 ,就是要把人民的眼前利益和长远利益统一起来 ,坚持为崇高理想奋斗与为现阶段最广大人民谋利益的一致性 ;要把实现远大理想与做好现实工作结合起来 ,把基点放在做好正在做的事情上 ;把最终实现社会生产力、经济文化与人的高度而又协调的发展与现阶段三者发展的和谐统一结合起来 ,使其相互促进地向前发展。
Sticking to the unity of the two guidelines should be based on the deep knowledge of 'Three Laws'.In order to stick to the unity of two guidelines at present,people's present interests and long-run interests should be united,sticking to the unity of fighting for grand ideals with people's interests in the broadest sense;realizing grand ideals should be united with fulfiling practical work,focus should be laid on the work at hand ;the three steps of realizing social productivity,economic culture and the development of man should be united,and try to make them develop side by side.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute