以α Al2 O3微粉和铝螯形化合物 (ALCH)或硅有机化合物 (Si(OC2 H5) 4)为底吹供气元件中心不锈钢通气管的表面涂层原料 ,研究了α Al2 O3与ALCH的质量比(简记为AL)、α Al2 O3与Si(OC2 H5) 4的质量比 (简记为SI)以及涂层厚度对通气管渗碳层厚度和表面涂层粘结强度的影响。研究结果表明 :随着AL、SI或表面涂层厚度的增加 ,表面涂层的粘结强度降低 ,通气管的渗碳层厚度减小 ;在相同条件下 ,α Al2 O3-ALCH系涂层的的粘结强度和对钢管的防渗碳性能均优于α Al2 O3-Si(OC2 H5) 4系的。同时 ,从热力学角度分析了α Al2 O3-ALCH系和α Al2 O3-Si(OC2 H5)
ALCH, Si(OC 2H 5) 4 and fine α-Al 2O 3 powder were used as raw materials of the surface coating for the central stainless pipe of bottom blowing elements.The effects of the mass ratio of α-Al 2O 3 to ALCH(shorten as AL),the mass ratio of α-Al 2O 3 to Si(OC 2H 5) 4 (shorten as SI)and the thickness of the surface coating on bond strength and the depth of carburization layer were investigated.The results showed that the depth of the carburization layer and the bond strength decreased with the increasing of AL,SI or the thickness of the surface coating.The properties of carburization resistance and bond strength of the surface coating made of α-Al 2O 3-ALCH were better than that made of α-Al 2O 3-Si(OC 2H 5) 4 under the same condition.The thermo-stabilization of the surface coating, made by α-Al 2O 3-ALCH or by α-Al 2O 3-Si(OC 2H 5) 4 respectively, was analyzed by thermodynamic analysis.
宝钢联合基金资助项目 (50 2 740 2 1 )