How to get high accuracy of classification by remote sensing image processing technology is one of the difficulties in applications of wetland data. The paper discusses the methods to enhance the accuracy of classification for the wetland of Zhalong. First we can noise reductions enhance and tasseled cap enhance to improve its accuracy. Then compare the classification results of original image with those of the other two enhance methods. The results are very similar, i.e., 83.91% of original image, 78.88% of noise reduction and 90.13% of tasseled cap respectively, checked by GPS sample points gained from fields, land cover data of 2000 and Kappa accuracy assessment. Each method has its own advantage in differentiating the classes, especially the accuracy in the wetland boundary after noise reduction enhance and the accuracy in the sub classes of wetland after tasseled cap enhance. But none of them is very satisfied. So based on knowledge and the technique of GIS, we can put the advantages of each methods together to gain an excellent result. The new method is the kernel of this paper, using spatial algebra, which combines the technique of RS and GIS together, and it can greatly improve the accuracy and reflect the actual land types better in classification of wetland. Its accuracy can get to 96% after checked by GPS sample points,land cover data of 2000 and visual interpretation. Then we can draw a conclusion that as far as wetland classification is concerted, the image enhance before classification can improve its accuracy in some parts, but using spatial algebra based on GIS technology can put the advantage together and get the best result.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application
Remote sensing, Wetland, Classification, Accuracy of classification