目的 :实验研究肝毛细线虫对大鼠的血清抗体水平的影响 ,为人体肝毛细线虫病的免疫诊断提供科学依据。方法 :捕获阳性鼠分离肝毛细线虫虫卵 ,将虫卵培养至感染期 ,感染大白鼠。制作虫卵可溶性抗原 ,用ELISA法对大鼠体内血清抗体作动态检测 ,并选用 5种对照血清作比较 ,以观察该法的特异性。结果 :大鼠在感染 4周后可全部阳性检出 ,该法对大鼠旋毛虫、日本血吸虫、犬弓蛔虫、广州管圆线虫和肺吸虫抗体阳性血清分别有 2 /10、2 /10、2 /10、1/10和 0的假阳性。结论 :ELISA法具有较高的敏感性和特异性 ,适用于检测肝毛细线虫感染。
Objective:To detect serum antibody of rats infected with Capillaria hepatica(C.hepatica) and thus to provide scientific evidence for immunodiagnosis of human hepatica capillariasis.Methods:The eggs of C.hepatic were isolated from positive wild rats and were cultivated into infection stage, with which experimental rats were infected. Then, soluble egg antigen of C.hepatica was extracted and dynamic detection of the serum antibody of experimental rats were carried out with ELISA.Meanwhile, five kinds of control serum were tested to observe the specificity of the ELISA.Results:The serum antibody of all experimental rats could be detected in four weeks after infection. The false positive in sera against schostosoma japonicum,Trichinella spiralis,Toxocara canis/Paragonimus westermani and angiostrongylus cantonensis were 2/10,2/10,2/10,1/10和0.Conclusion:ELISA, with a high sensitivity and specificity, was fit to detect C.hepatica infection.
Journal of Wenzhou Medical College