
西方旅游人类学两大研究流派浅析 被引量:35

An Analysis of the Two Tourist Anthropology Research Schools in the West
摘要 近 4 0年来 ,西方旅游人类学显现出两大主要研究流派 :对旅游的社会文化影响的研究和对旅游的文化符号内涵的探索 ,它们分别以纳什和格拉伯恩为代表。他们对于旅游的本质是什么 ,人类学应该从什么角度及怎样研究旅游等问题有着不同的看法。进一步剖析双方的思想分歧 ,可以加深对西方旅游人类学研究倾向和研究思路的了解 ,这对刚刚起步的中国旅游人类学研究有一定的借鉴意义。 In the recent forty years, there appeared in the West two main research schools of tourist anthropology: research into the social and cultural influence of tourism and research into the connotation of the cultural symbols of tourism, which are represented respectively by Nash and Graburn. They have different opinions as to what the nature of tourism is, from what perspective and how anthropology investigates tourism, etc. A further analysis of their divergences can make us more aware of the directions of the tourist anthropology researches in the West. This is of some referential significance to the Chinese tourist anthropology research that has just started.
作者 宗晓莲
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第6期47-49,54,共4页 Thinking
关键词 旅游人类学 符号意义 文化内涵 社会文化影响 仪式 tourist anthropology meaning of symbol cultural connotation social and cultural influence ceremony
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