日语助动词“ダロウ”在表达对未知内容进行推测时 ,表现出了较明显的模糊性 ;在委婉地表达意见的用法上 ,根据语境的不同 ,“ダロウ”的模糊性表现出强弱之分 ;而在委婉地表达判断的用法上 ,则完成了模糊向精确的转化。充分了解“ダロウ”所表达判断语气的模糊性 ,有助于我们正确理解和使用“ダロウ”。
This paper draws on the theory of fuzzy linguistics, and probes into the fuzziness of'????'by studying the usage of'????'.When used to infer unknown information.'????'exhibits a definite fuzziness. When used to express ones opinion politely, '????'shows fuzziness that varies according to different contexts. When used to express judgments politely, '????'undergoes a transition from fuzziness to preciseness. A thorough understanding of the fuzziness of judgments expressed by'????'would be conducive to the use of'????'.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages