

Huawei: on the way of entire westernization?
摘要 一个公司以国际游戏规则赢得诉讼;一个公司在国际化道路上推进制度与人的国际接轨,以管理变革推动公司发展并长远发展;一个公司与各路国际对手间绵延数年、以一对多、劲敌与盟友关系并存的复杂竞争与合作史;一个公司在“洋为中用”还是“全面西化”间的选择;一个公司在“世界级企业”执著梦想与现实环境、现实能力间的努力。 A company which won a lawsuit by we are able to put together all playing with international rule of games; a the arduous efforts this com- company which orchestrated its institutions pany has made in the passing and people with international conventions years in the fields of on the road of internationalization and ad- internationalization, manage- vanced the development of the company ment changes and international through management changes; a company cooperation so as to investigate which involved in complex competition and its driving force of evolution. cooperation with its international Put it simple, Huawei's competitors; a company which chose be- road is one that uses institu- tween utilization of foreign tools and entire tions to push the culture and westernization and a company which strived people to drift toward west. It is also an people to a world-class level may need 10 or between the dream of world class enterprise extreme arduous road Huawei chose due to 20 years. Huawei has no such long time to and the reality of current environment and many objective limits. Even though, until train its own world-class talents. Ren Zhengfei capability. today, Huawei has not completely resolved perhaps has already made his mind that, over This is what Huawei has given us for the problem of inconsistence between insti- years of institutional preparation and cultural the passing decade. tutions and 'software' such as people and grinding, Huawei has reached the point where Starting from the IPR lawsuit between culture. To bring in world-class institutions it can jump over the 'soft ware', changing its Huawei and Cisco and its final resolution, may only need five years, but to upgrade culture by culture.
出处 《IT经理世界》 2004年第17期66-69,8,共4页
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