贾宝玉向往婚姻自主 ,但又屈服于封建婚姻礼教 ;痛斥仕途“禄鬼” ,但不否定传统文化 ;景仰女子才情 ,但不反对“一夫多妻”制度 ;最终沉溺佛教仙道 ,归依“空门” ,复本如初。由此可见 ,贾宝玉不是封建社会的叛逆者 ,而是一个逃避现实社会的遁世者。
JIA Bao-yu is the hero of Stone Story. Looking forword to the marital autonomy, he yielded to marital ethics of feudalism; sharply denouncingthe people who desperately looked after official career and salary, he at the same time did not deny the traditional culture; holding famale talent and sentiment in deep respect,he was not opposed to the system of polygamy yet. He ended up to wallow in the Buddhism and became a Buddhism monk restoring to the origin. The author believed that JIA bao-yu is not a rebel against the feudal society, but a world-weary man who evaded the actual society.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University