目的 了解广东省成年人超重肥胖的影响因素 ,确定可以进行健康干预的重点环节。方法 采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法 ,抽取广东省大、中小城市及 2类农村各 3个区 (县 ) ,1类农村 4个县。每个县 (区 )抽取 2个街道(乡 )的 6个居 (村 )委 ,共 5 4 0户居民 ,进行面对面询问调查 ,了解 18岁以上成年居民个人基本情况 ,检测体重、身高等数据。结果 调查 15 130人 ,超重与肥胖的粗患病率分别为 16 8%和 1 8% ,年龄标化患病率分别为 15 0 %和1 8%。多因素Logistic回归分析发现 ,影响超重的因素有家庭人均年收入 ,年龄 ,性别 ,吸烟 ,体力运动和城乡户籍 ,OR值分别为 1 2 9,1 11,0 78,0 77,0 72 ,0 5 3;影响肥胖的因素主要有家庭人均年收入、年龄、体力活动和城乡户籍 ,OR值分别为 1 4 7,1 14 ,0 76 ,0 4 1。结论 体力活动是超重与肥胖可干预的重要影响因素 ,加强健康教育 ,提高居民的体力活动水平是预防控制超重与肥胖的重要措施。
Objective To identify the relative risk factors of overweight and obesity of people aged 18 and elder in Guangdong province.Methods The cross-sectional survey population was a representative sample of Guangong province obtained through multi-stage randomized cluster sampling.Data of socialeconomic status were collected by face-to-face interview.The data of weight and height was obtained by physical examination.Results There were 15 130 people were interviewed and physically measured.The crude prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were 16 8% and 1.8%,respectively,and the age-adjusted rates were 15.0% and 1.8%,respectively.The results of Logistic regression analysis showed that major risk factors influencing overweight were household income,age,gender,smoking,physical activity and residenc,and the OR value were 1.29,1.11,0.78,0.77,0.72 and 0.53,respectively.For obesity,they were household income,age,physical activity and residence,the OR values were 1.47,1.14,0.76 and 0.41 respectively.Conclusion Physical activity was an important preventable influencing factor.Health education and sports field access should be enhanced to increase physical activity.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
广东省科技厅资助 (2 0 0 2C32 70 9)