目的 了解安徽省煤炭企业职业卫生状况及主要职业病危害因素并提出控制对策。方法 采用职业流行病学方法对淮北、淮南矿业集团 2 5个国有煤矿和全省 34家小煤窑的职业卫生状况进行调查研究。结果 调查结果显示尘肺病是煤炭企业的主要职业病 ,粉尘、噪声、振动是主要的职业病危害因素。结论 提示安徽省煤炭企业职业病危害仍很严重 ,必须加强对煤炭企业粉尘、噪声、振动等重点职业病危害因素的控制及职业卫生管理体系的建设 ,降低煤炭企业职业病的发病率。
Objective To explore the present situation of occupational health and major occupational harm factors of coal mines. Methods 25 state owned coal mines and 34 small coalpits in Anhui were investigated. Results Pneumoconiosis was the major occupational disease. Dust, noise, poison, injuries were major occupational harm factors in coal mines. Conclusions The control of the major occupational harm factors should be enhanced to build modern occupational health management system in coal mines, reduce incidence of occupational disease.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention