
新疆美术创新应注重弘扬西域优秀文化传统 被引量:2

Promting and Developing Outstanding Cultural Tradition in Western Regions about Artistic New Idea in Xinjiang
摘要 随着中国全面加入WTO,其经济加快了全球一体化的进程,而文化则进一步趋向多元多极格局。在众多的艺术思潮中,有些打着艺术的旗号否定艺术,混淆艺术与非艺术的区别,抹杀艺术的社会功能和美学价值,对此我们应有清醒的认识。西域文化有着自己独特的地域、民族和时代特点及文化传统。我们要继承和发扬中华民族的优秀文化传统,保持和发展本民族的优秀文化传统,大力弘扬民族精神,积极吸取其他民族的文化成果,创造新的具有时代精神的兼容当代性、地域性、民族性的文化艺术,实现文化的与时俱进。 Since China joined WTO , its market has been mixed into global era . Never before has China' s economy been as prosperous as it is today . The age of multielement and multipolar characters and ideological trend of different ideas have been arisen in China's cultural art. For instance, modernism, post - mod-ernisim, installation, halfback, vanguard, behavioural art all have sueged into China. Some of them negate the criterior of art and deny the different line between art and non - art, obliterating social function of art and aesthetic value, so we have to be clearly aware of it. We should carry on and develop the outstanding cultural tradition of Chinese and while doing it , we must bring forth the new ideas . The western culture is of unique region characteristic and cultural tradition of its nation, makes great efforts to promote and develop national spirit, actively utilizes the cultural resural results of other nations and makes the culture advance together with the world. In this article, the author analyses the characteristic, religions and era, promotes and develops the outstanding cultural tradition of all , promotes and develops the outstanding cultural tradition of all nations in western religions , creates the cultural art with the spirit of era and the present age, provincialism and natural cultural art which embodies the pursue of man for the true, the good and the beautiful.
作者 白昆亭
出处 《新疆艺术学院学报》 2004年第3期28-32,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang Arts University
关键词 新疆 美术创新 西域 文化传统 时代性 地域性 民族性 时代精神 Characteristic of times Provincialism National characteristic Times spirit of art.
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