有别于其他讨论上下游进出口策略性贸易的文献 ,我们将产业结构因素加入技术领先国 (外国 )与技术落后国 (本国 )之间的贸易问题 ,在中间产品市场和最终产品市场都是古诺竞争的假设下 ,利用两阶段博弈模型 ,考虑当技术先进国同时出口中间产品和最终产品到技术落后国时 ,技术落后国的策略性贸易政策问题。文中的研究结论 ,可以解释我国一些产业发展中的现象 。
Different from other articles discussing the tactic trade issue, this paper puts the factor of industrial structure into the trade issue between the technologically leading countries (foreign countries) and the technologically backward countries (home countries). What is considered is the tactic trade policy adopted by the backward countries, with the assumption of Gounod competition and the two phase game model used, when the advanced countries export simultaneously intermediate goods and final goods to the backward ones. The conclusion in the paper may be used to explain some phenomena in our industrial development, and may also provide a certain theoretical argument and reference for the policy making of international trade by the advanced and backward enterprises.
Modern Economic Science
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :79870 0 5 2 )资助