张良是家有万金的韩国贵族公子 ,国灭家破后为报仇 ,曾募壮士刺杀秦始皇 ,失败后读兵书交豪杰 ,终成为反秦农民军小首领。投靠刘邦后 ,他在刘邦率军西进灭秦中出谋划策 ,起了不可估量的作用。“鸿门宴”中他机智多谋 ,保护了刘邦的生命。他又送汉王赴南郑 ,途中献计而返 ,为汉王的东进做准备。
Zhang Liang was a son of a rich family in Hah State. After his state a nd home werebroken, Revenge the insult, once he recruited brave men to kill Qin Shi-huang. A fter his failure,he read many books of tactics and made friends with heroes, at last he became th e leader of thecountrymen army that were against Qin Shi-huang. After Zhang Liang threw himself into the lapof Liu Bang, he gave many suggestions on how to overthrow Qin when Liu Bang led his men andmarched into west, and exerted important functions. Ne was resourceful and prote cted Liu Bang′slife during“Hong Men Feast”. Zhang Liang accompanied King Huan-Liu Bang to go to NanZheng. On the way to it, Zhang Liang made suggestions. After that, he went back , and got ready for King Huan′s march into east.
Journal of Jining Teachers College
Zhang Liang
be against Qin Shi-huang
Liu Band
han zho ng