金代全真教有词传世的道士词人共 1 3位 ,丘处机是其中有较大影响的一位。全真道士词创自王吉吉 ,王吉吉词作俚俗浅白、民间俗曲化的词风影响了其后的许多全真词人 ,但到了丘处机 ,不仅对全真教义有了较大发展 ,他的词也体现出鲜明的文人化倾向 :在词的内容、审美风格、作词目的等方面都表现出向文人词的复归。作为齐鲁词人 ,他的词风还具有北国词人特有的境界阔大、旷朗之风 ,表现出与金代文人词相同的审美风尚。
Qiu Chuji is among the influential ci writers of Quan Zhen Religion in Tin Period. The Taoist Ci of Quan Zhen originated from Wang Zhe, whose writing style is often mixed with slangs and has various forms. Such a style has a great influence on many ci writers of Quan Zhen after him. But it is Qiu Chuji who not only develops the religious doctrion of Quan Zhen greatly, but also embodies a distinct scholar inclination in his ci works: Qiu demonstrates the involution to scholar′s word in such aspects as content, aesthetic style and purpose of writing. As a Qi Lu ci writer,Qiu′s ci has a broad and spacious state of spirit, a peculiar characteristic of ci writers in the Northern China. This Demonstrates the same aesthetic prevailing custom as ci of scholars in Jin Period.
Journal of Jining Teachers College
Qiu Chuji
Taoist Ci of Quan Zhen Religion in Jin Peri od
scholar inclination