目的 :观察复方丹参注射液对二次打击致急性肺损伤 (AL I)模型兔血清 C反应蛋白 (CRP)水平及病理学改变的影响 ,探讨 AL I的中药治疗机制。方法 :采用股动脉放血并静脉注射内毒素二次打击方法制备兔 AL I模型 ,分成模型组和治疗组 ,治疗组给予复方丹参注射液 5 g/ kg静脉注射 ,观察两组动物不同阶段血清CRP水平 ,同时进行平均动脉压、呼吸频率、血气分析监测。实验结束后留取兔肺及其他脏器行病理组织学分析。结果 :治疗组 CRP水平明显升高 ,肺病理显示多形核白细胞浸润减少 ,水肿减轻 ;干 /湿重比增大 ,与模型组比较均具有显著性差异 (P均 <0 .0 5 )。结论 :复方丹参注射液能提高 AL I模型兔抗炎因子 CRP的水平 ,减轻AL I的程度。
Objective: To observe the effects of composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection on serum C reactive protein (C RP) and pathological changes in twohit acute lung inju ry (ALI) rabbits, and study the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in treating ALI. Methods: Twentyfour rabbits were randomly divided into two groups: contr ol g roup and treatment group. ALI rabbits model were obtained by twohi t of blood withdrawing from femoral artery and lipopolysaccharide(LPS) in travenous injection. The treatment group was given composite salvia miltiorrhiz a injection (5 g/kg) intravenously. Serum CRP concentration was observed in vari ous stage, and the changes of mean artery pressure(MAP), respiratory rate (RR) and blood gas were monitored continously in the rabbits of two groups. The all animals were sacrificed by bleedi ng at the en d of experiment, their lung and other organs were removed for pathology studies. Results: In the treatment group, serum CRP concentration increased significantly (P< 005), pathological manifestation of lung demonstrated that polymorphonucle ar neutrop hils(PMN) infiltration decreased, oedema lightened and dry/wet ratio of lung wei ght increased obviously (P<005) compared with those of the control g roup. Conclusion: The composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection may raise the level of anti inflammatory meditor CRP in ALI model rabbits and reduce their lung injury .
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care
江西医学院科研计划项目资助 ( 2 0 0 3 B3 )
composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection
acute l ung injury
C reactive protein