
试论科学发展观的理论与实践 被引量:1

Some Thoughts on the Theory and Practice of Scientific Concept of Development
摘要 发展观是一个国家在发展进程中人们关于发展的本质、目的、内涵和要求的总体看法和根本观点,是人们关于发展什么怎样发展的总的和系统的看法。有什么样的发展观,就会有什么样的发展道路、发展模式和发展战略,就会对发展的实践产生根本性、全局性的重大影响。当前我们要准确地理解科学发展观的丰富内涵,要坚定不移地贯彻实行党的十六届三中全会提出的"五个统筹""五个坚持"的指导思想。要把科学发展观与办实事、务实效、求实绩的政绩观结合起来,与权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋的群众观结合起来,大力实施人才强国战略,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,把我们的思想统一到中央的重大决策上来,自觉运用科学发展观来指导我们的各项工作,努力促进我国社会主义现代化事业积极健康发展。 The viewpoint of development is people's overall viewpoint on the essence, purpose, intension and requirement of a country's development and people's overall and systematic view about what to develop and how to develop. Different developmental points of view will bring about different modes and strategies for development and may exert overall influence on the practice of development. The article holds that it is necessary to accurately understand the rich content of the viewpoint of scientific development, and carry out and execute the guiding ideology of'Five Plans as a Whole'and'Five Insistences'suggested at the 3rd Plenary Sessions of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Chinese communist Party. Scientific developmental viewpoint should be combined with the viewpoint of administration achievements characterized by working hard earnestly, seeking for practical results and making honest achievements, combined with the mass viewpoint of power for the people, concern for the people, working for the good of the people. Firm implementation should be effected of the strategy of developing China into a big power by employing lots of talented people, concentrating on the construction, striving for development by heart and soul, and getting ourselves ideologically united on the great decisions of the Central Committee of the Party. We should conscientiously apply the viewpoint of scientific development in every field of our work, and promote vigorously the healthy and positive development of our socialist modernization drive.
作者 罗玉达
机构地区 贵州大学法学院
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第5期5-12,共8页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 发展观 科学发展观 产生背景 理论内涵 实践 Scientific concept of development scientific development background theoretical connotation practice
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