该文介绍了一种面向小型无人机实时仿真系统的设计与实现。系统的硬件平台采用PC/ 10 4总线的体系结构。利用RTKernel实时核开发基于DOS的实时多任务应用程序。文中就系统结构、飞机模型、系统测试、仿真算法、实时多任务应用程序编写进行了详细的论述。
This article mainly discusses the design and realization of a real-time simulation system for small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). In this system, the hardware architecture is based on PC/104 bus. The software of this system is based on DOS with RTKernel for developing real-time multitask program. The system architecture, arithmetic of simulation, system test, and the development of real-time program are discussed in detail. This system is applied successfully in the real-time simulation of a small UAV.
Computer Simulation