曹禺塑造了许许多多的女性形象。他的创作激情和思想光芒 ,大都是从女性的不幸遭遇升腾起来的。妇女和两性是曹禺认识社会、透视历史的特殊审美视野。曹禺通过一系列女性人物的塑造 ,表现了只有改变不平等的男性社会 。
CAO Yu created lots of images of women in his articles in this period. His creation starts from the misfortune experience of women. He takes women and sexual relation as his special aesthetics view in which he comprehends society and history. Through creating series images of women he points out that unless women change the unfair society of men, they can achieve the real emancipation.
Journal of Shandong Administrative College and Shandong Economic Management Personnel College