地方政府在改革开放、体制转型中扮演着极其重要的角色 ,转变地方政府职能是市场经济的客观要求 ,是建立现代行政管理体系的客观需要。我国处于由计划走向市场、由传统走向现代的社会转型时期 ,转变地方政府职能具有一定的艰巨性。明确界定地方政府职能 ,区分政府职能与市场职能 。
Local government plays a very important role in the reform and transition of system, and to transform local government's function is the demand of the market economy and necessity of establishing modern system of administration. China is on the stage, in which plan changes into market, and tradition changes into modern. Although it is quite hard to transform the local government's function, clearly defining the local government's function and distinguishing administrative function and marketing function, which is the key to the transformation, can achieve the goal.
Journal of Harbin University