在善意取得制度中 ,我国传统民法对区分委托物和脱离物作出截然相反的规定 ,主张脱离物一律不适用善意取得制度。但就此问题 ,各国法律规定及学说并不相同。主要分歧在于对脱离物如何界定 ,是否应当区分脱离物的取得原因及不同种类。我国在新一轮民法变革中 ,应当对此进行比较分析 。
In the system of good will acquisition, Chinese traditional civil law make sharp opposite regulations when distinguishing entrusted staff and independent staff that can't be suitable for good will acquisition. There are different ideas about this part in different countries, whose key diversity is how to define the independent staff. In the process of Chinese civil law reform, it is necessary to compare those different ideas so as to make sound regulation suitable for Chinese situation.
Journal of Harbin University