欧盟正处在新旧体制交替的关键时期。作为欧盟大国 ,法国的对欧态度至关重要。法国的外交政策由总统负责 ,而政策的制定和贯彻却离不开政党的支持。戴高乐主义者是政坛一支举足轻重的力量 ,现任总统即是戴高乐派领袖。戴高乐主义政党“保卫共和联盟”素以捍卫法国的民族利益著称于世。如今超国家的欧盟已露端倪 ,欧洲各民族主义政党都面临抉择 ,因此该党对欧盟的态度很具代表性。几年来围绕欧盟的前途问题 ,该党内部出现严重分歧 ,欧洲派和主权派斗争激烈。本文力图通过分析该党的分化组合 ,究其根源 ,揭示戴高乐派主流对欧盟的态度 。
The European Union is now at a crucial moment of its transition. The appearance of a supranational Europe sent a challenge to all the national political parties: for or against it? The Gaullist party is noted for its intransigent position on the defense of French national interests. So the attitude of the Party towards the future of the European Union is most typical. In the Party, the sovereignists are quarreled with the Europeanists since beginning of the 1990s. The author tries to analyze the origin of their difference in order to reveal the mainstream Gaullist opinion about a supranational Europe. Future policies of France towards Europe and the prospect of Gaullism will also be dealt with.
International Forum