本文结合当前的国内外形势 ,阐述了企业员工学习英语的必要性、紧迫性。本文作者作为从教多年的英语教师和现代企业的出色管理人员 ,根据自身的工作实践和经验 ,提出了一些切实可行的建议 ,以供企业有效地组织员工进行英语学习 。
Through analyzing current situations at home and abroad, the authors inform modern enterprises of the necessity and urgency of learning English. As an English teacher of years of teaching and an outstanding executive in a modern enterprise, based on their working practice and experience, the authors offer some practical and workable plans to the enterprises on how to help their employees improve their English efficiently. Meanwhile, it can also help people solve their practical difficulties in the course of learning English.
Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)