目的 探讨γ 羟基丁酸钠对脑组织Caspase3的表达影响及其与放射性损伤严重程度的关系 方法 采用逆转录 多聚酶链反应(RT PCR)技术检测γ 羟基丁酸钠联合放射治疗脑胶质瘤前后瘤组织与瘤旁脑组织Caspase 3mRNA表达量,分析Caspase3基因表达活性与放射性损伤的关系 结果 常规放疗、超分割放疗组的瘤组织、瘤旁脑组织Caspase 3mRNA表达量较高;放疗前40min给予GHB200mg/kg联合常规放疗、超分割放疗,其Caspase 3mRNA表达显著降低(Q=7 93,P<0 01) 而GHB200mg/kg不接受放疗,其脑胶质瘤组织Caspase 3mRNA表达量较低,仅为19 182±1 19,较常规放疗差别显著(P<0 05) 胶质瘤及瘤旁正常脑组织放疗前Cas pase 3mRNA表达量较低,放疗后显著增加;射野内瘤组织Caspase 3mRNA表达量明显高于瘤旁组织,脑组织放射损伤严重程度野内高于野外 使用GHB后瘤组织Caspase 3mRNA表达量降低,降幅达16 2%左右,常规放疗组瘤旁脑组织Caspase 3mRNA的表达量较超分割放疗组(HF)高1 22倍 采用HF较常规放疗脑组织Caspase 3mRNA表达量减少21 83% 结论 γ 羟基丁酸钠联合放射治疗显著脑胶质瘤Caspase3基因表达,Caspase 3mRNA表达量与放射损伤严重程度有关。
OBJECTIVE: The expression level of Caspase 3 mRNA regarded as important index in both effects of radiotherapy for glioma and radiation injury. The co-expression of Caspase 3 and FasL in the glioma tissue would induce apoptosis; the elevated caspase 3 level suggested the severity of radiation injury. In this work the authors evaluated the relationship among the expression level of caspase 3 in glioma and its adjacent brain tissue, GHB (γ-hydroxybutyrate), and the radiation injury. METHOD: The expression level of caspase 3 mRNA in the glioma and its adjacent brain tissue before and after radiotherapy combined with GHB was measured by reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), and the relationship between the expression level of caspase 3 and the radiation injury was analyzed. RESULT: The elevated caspase 3 level was detected in the glioma and its adjacent brain tissue; when 200 mg·kg^(-1) GHB was used 40 minutes before the treatment, expression of caspase 3 decreased significantly both in the conventional fraction(CF) and high-fraction(HF) therapy groups. While 200 mg·kg^(-1) GHB was used only, the expression level of caspase 3 was just 19.182±1.19 and less than CF group significantly (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The expression level of caspase 3 mRNA was low before treatment and increased significantly after radiotherapy; the expression level of caspase 3 and the severity of the radiation injury in the radiated field was higher than those in the adjacent brain tissue beside the radiated field. Radiotheray combined with GHB may decrease the expression level of caspase 3 about 16.2% and protect normal brain tissue from radiation injury, the expression of caspase 3 in the tissue beside tumor in CF group was 1.22 folds higher than that of HF. HF therapy may relieve acute radiation injury and reduce the expression of caspase about 21.83%. GHB combined with radiation therapy may protect the normal brain tissue adjacent the radiated field.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)