
杏仁核与纹状体边缘区的功能和纤维联系 被引量:2

Function and fiber connection between amygdala and marginal division of striatum
摘要 目的:研究杏仁核和纹状体边缘区的功能和纤维联系。方法:用神经功能活动形态定位方法,将低浓度的海人藻酸注射到杏仁核作为化学刺激剂,观察注射后原癌基因蛋白G-Fos在脑内的表达;用免疫组化的方法观察P物质在边缘区及杏仁核等脑区的分布。结果:C-Fos在海马、终纹床核、Meynert基核、边缘区及皮层有强表达。P物质的边缘区呈带状分布,其阳性纤维在背侧与终纹床核相连,在腹侧延续至杏仁核。结论:杏仁核与纹状体边缘区存在功能和纤维联系。 Objective : To study the function and fiber connection between the amygdala and marginal division of stria-turn. Methods : The morphologic localization technique for nervous system functional activity was used. C-Fos expression in the rat brain was observed following 0.01 % kainic acid stereotaxically injecting into the amygdala as a chemical stimulus. Immunohistochemistry was employed to exhibit the distribution of C-Fos and substance P in the rat brain. Results :C-Fos was strongly expressed in the hippocampus, bed nucleus of the stria terminals, marginal division, basal nucleus of Meynert and cortex. The SP positive fibers were detected in the marginal division, and were connected ventrally with the amygadala, dorsally with the bed nucleus of the stria terminals. Conclusion:The marginal division has fiber and function connections with the amygdala.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期523-526,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(39770250) 广东省自然科学基金(99050)
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