目的 探讨高压氧综合疗法治疗重型颅脑损伤恢复期的疗效。方法 13例患者中随机分两组,对照组56例,观察组78例。两组均使用脑活素、神经细胞生长素、胞二磷胆碱等。观察组在对照组的基础上,加用高压氧和功能训练。所获数据经X^2检验。结果 高压氧观察组有效率94.9%与对照组有效率80.4%,经统计学检验(P<0.05),有显著性差异。结论 高压氧观察组明显优于对照组,可提高疗效。
Objective To study the clinical effects and mechanisms of hyperbaric oxyen (HBO) therapeutic methods on the convalescence of the serious head injury. Methods The patients were divided into two groups at random, 56 patients in the control group, 78 patients in the observation group. The two groups were all treated with Cerebrolysin. Nerve Cell Orouth Factor and Citicoline, but besides these drugs, the HBO and the function training were also used in the HBO group, all the datas were analysed with X2 . Results The HBO group's effect ratio was 94.9% and the control group s 80.4% . There were significant differences. Conclusion The HBO group can raise curative effect which is better than the control group.
Journal of Heze Medical College