从理论上阐述梳状滤波器在彩电色度分离电路和Y C分离电路中的应用原理 ,详细分析了梳状滤波器的频率特性 ,充分证明了梳状滤波器能够彻底干净地分离出亮度信号和色度信号 ,预示了梳状滤波器在高清晰度电视(HDTV)
In this paper,we have detailed theoretically the principium of comb-filter in the electric circuit of chrominance separated and Y/C separated ,and have analyzed detailly the frequency characteristics of comb-filter.We p oint out the comb-filter can thoroughly and cleanly separate out brightness sig nal and chrominance signal,and show to comb-filter have an applied foreground in HDTV study.
Journal of Huaihua University