“唯才是举”是执政兴国第一要务和全面建设小康社会的必由之路 ,是对中国数千年来“科举制”的传承和发展 ,是对建国 5 0余年以来干部与人事制度模式的突破与创新 ,是加入WTO之后与国际接轨并且向西方文官制靠拢的迫切需要。
The vital thing of controlling politics and developing countrg is to select excellent person,so is building up awealthg societg.Selecting excellent person is not only followed by former electoral system but also developed itself. Itbreaks through and recreates the mold of cadre and personnel system. It becomes necessity to follow the track of internation and western electoral system after China entering into the World Trade Organization
Journal of Huaihua University