三星的股票在过去12个月里上升了将近80%。 三星从《金融时报》全球500强排行榜上的第135位攀升至第85位。《金融时报》全球500强排行榜盛赞三星实现了电子行业市场资本的最高增长率。 INTERBRAND公司和美国《商业周刊》2002年度世界100大品牌的评选中,三星的品牌价值为83亿美元,居世界100大品牌的第34位。 数字媒体部门的三星首席执行官陈大济声称:“到2005年我们将生产出真正代表三星电子的产品,并将公司转变为世界第三大电子产品制造商。”
To the casual stock picker, Samsung Electronics probably wouldn't merit a second look. After all, the company's three major markets-mobile handsets, memory chips, and liquid crystal displays-have endured slumps of varying severity in the past year. It's reasonable to assume that any company trafficking in those markets would be worth avoiding. Why, then, have Samsung shares risen almost 80 percent over the past 12 months? And how did third quarter 2002 net profits quadruple to 1.7 trillion won ($1.4 billion) from 425 billion won in 2001? A closer look at Samsung's core market sheds better light on the company's unusually bullish run.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine