“五四”时期个性解放的时代潮流 ,带来了情爱小说的繁荣。“五四”情爱小说具有浓郁的浪漫主义色彩。浪漫主义对自我的肯定 ,对理想的追求 ,以及对人和人性的全面自由、彻底解放的渴求与“五四”作家精神气质的契合 ,使“五四”情爱小说在价值取向、审美品格和表现形态上 ,显示出鲜明的时代特征。
The trend of the emancipation of individuality of the times of the May 4th Movement brought about the booming of love stories. The 'May 4th' love stories had a very strong romantic colouring. The recognition of the ego, the pursuit of the ideal and the yearning of all round freedom and thorough emancipation of the individual and individuality were in agreement with the dispositions of the 'May 4th' writers, which infused 'May 4th' love stories with epochal features in the aspects of the orientation of values, aesthetic qualities and forms of expression.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)