生态伦理学是二十世纪中叶出现的一门新兴学科 ,它摒弃了传统伦理学的人类中心主义的哲学基础 ,开启了西方伦理学的深刻变革。然而生态伦理学要得以确立 ,还必须寻找到自身的哲学依据。为此 ,一些西方学者把视野转向东方 ,对古代中国哲学的天人合一观表示出浓厚的兴趣 ,我国的一些学者也把天人合一观作为生态伦理学的前瞻而推崇至备 ,那么 ,天人合一观与生态伦理学究竟有何异同 ?能否成为生态伦理学的哲学基础 ?本文即围绕这样的问题展开论释。
Ecological ethics is a new subject appearing in the middle of the loth century.It has discarded the human centralization of the philosophy basis of the traditional ethics,and started the profound reform in the western ethics.If the ecological ethics needs being established,people have to find its own philosophy basis.For this ,some learners turn to the East.They show their special interests in the nature-man-joint viewpoint of the ancient China's philosophy.Some learners of our country regard it as the future of the ecological ethics and hold it in very high esteem.Then,what's the difference between both of them?Could it be the philosophy basis of the ecological ethics?This essay discusses these questions.
Journal of Sichuan Administration Institute
the nature-man-joint viewpoint,the ecological ethics