政策制定者、企业和公众应意识到除了环保法规在一段时期内保持不变外 ,其它因素都在不断变化 ,在各种压力之下 ,企业正在努力探索各种富有创新的解决办法。在此基础之上 ,以环境、资源、创新和竞争力有机联系 ,协调统一的理念指导设计制定政策法律。本文详细剖析了不良环境政策法规常见的缺陷和良好环境政策法规的特征 ,提出设计制定良好环境政策法规应遵循的策略和原则。
Law-formulators,enterprises and the public should realize that with the excepˉtion of the fixed state of the environmental protection law in a period,other factors are conˉstantly changing;that under all sorts of pressures,enterprises are making efforts in bringing about creative ways to solve problems.On this basis,policies and laws should be designed and made under the direction of the theory:environment,resources,innovation and competitive power should be organically contacted.This article gives a detailed analysis about the common defects of unhealthy environmental policies and laws,the advantages of good environmental policies and laws,at the same time puts forward the tactics and principles which should be folˉlowed when designing and making good environmental policies and laws.
Heilongjiang Environmental Journal