研究了新试剂5-呋喃亚甲基若丹宁(FR)与铜的显色反应,在冰乙酸介质中,乳化剂-OP存在下,FR与 Cu(Ⅱ)生成2:1的稳定络合物,λmax=440nm,ε=5.03×103 L·mol-1·cm-1.铜的含量在0~50μg/25mL内符合 比耳定律.方法用于烟草中微量铜的测定,结果满意.
A 2:1 stable complex with Xmax = 440nm ande = 5.03 × 103 L · mol-1· cm -1 is formed when 5 - (furan-methylene)rhodanine (FR) reacts with cuprum in ice acetic acid solution and emulsion - OP. Cuprum content within 0 - 50μg/25mL conforms to Beer' s Law. This method can be used for the determination of micro amounts of cuprum in tobacco. It leads to good result.
Journal of Kunming Teachers College