

Analysis and Resolution of Integration of Multi Security Policies
摘要 解决多安全策略的集成性问题是安全操作系统支持多策略和动态策略的基础。本论文采用形式化的方法为安全系统建立了全局安全状态的迁移模型,以TE和RBAC策略为例分析了不同策略作用下安全关联行为对安全状态的影响,并根据T&R集成模型提出了解决多策略集成性和一致性问题的思想,为安全操作系统的实现奠定了基础。 Resolution of integration of multi security policies is the base problem in secure OS which supports multi security policies and dynamic policies. This paper uses a state transition approach to formally analyze a security system and presents the different effects resulted by security-depended actions of different policies on security states. We will analyze TE ,RBAC model and T&R model (their integration model) .present a thinking to tackle the hybrid integration and consistency of multi-policies .which lay the foundation for implementing secure OS.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期117-120,共4页 Computer Science
基金 十五国防预研项目
关键词 多安全策略 集成性问题 安全操作系统 TE策略 RBAC策略 安全关联行为 状态迁移模型 Security policy,Secure OS,State transition model,Integration
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