贫困是当今人类面临的最大挑战。本文从发挥比较优势的视角对旅游资源丰富的某些欠发达地区旅游业发展予以一定理论思考 ,进而来讨论这些地区旅游开发的可行性 ,也指出旅游开发并非包治百病的“万灵药”。
The tourism development is very prosperity and has a splendid future.Based on the comparative advantage in economics,this study firstly discussed the possibility and significance of tourism development in undeveloped regions where there occupies abundant tourism resources and well development conditions, and then this paper gives some theoretical ponder on the tourism exploitation in undeveloped regions.It is proved that the tourism industry is a kind of industry that can be developed easily and be benefited to employment,education and other related industry too.Tourism industry can be taken as a leading industry there.In the end this paper discusesd the questions to which should be paid great attention when tourism industry exploiting is being chosen as a leading industry there.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment