
Model Checking Real-Time Value-Passing Systems

Model Checking Real-Time Value-Passing Systems
摘要 In this paper, to model check real-time value-passing systems, a formallanguage Timed Symbolic Transition Graph and a logic system named Timed Predicate μ-Calculus areproposed. An algorithm is presented which is local in that it generates and investigates thereachable state space in top-down fashion and maintains the partition for time evaluations as coarseas possible while on-the-fly instantiating data variables. It can deal with not only data variableswith finite value domain, but also the so called data independent variables with infinite valuedomain. To authors knowledge, this is the first algorithm for model checking timed systemscontaining value-passing features. In this paper, to model check real-time value-passing systems, a formallanguage Timed Symbolic Transition Graph and a logic system named Timed Predicate μ-Calculus areproposed. An algorithm is presented which is local in that it generates and investigates thereachable state space in top-down fashion and maintains the partition for time evaluations as coarseas possible while on-the-fly instantiating data variables. It can deal with not only data variableswith finite value domain, but also the so called data independent variables with infinite valuedomain. To authors knowledge, this is the first algorithm for model checking timed systemscontaining value-passing features.
出处 《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2004年第4期459-471,共13页 计算机科学技术学报(英文版)
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 model checking REAL-TIME value-passing timed predicate μ-calculus model checking real-time value-passing timed predicate μ-calculus
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