某桥梁基础采用大直径钻孔灌注桩 ,设计的 2 0根桩施工完毕 ,根据规范要求分别进行低应变动测、静载荷试验和钻孔取芯试验质量检验 ,检验结果发现其中两根桩桩身存在缺陷及混凝土不胶结破碎段 ,另两根桩桩底的沉渣较厚导致桩的承载力偏低。经过对现场施工记录的具体分析后 ,提出分别采用高压喷射注浆法和抽取沉渣及时回灌混凝土的方法进行桩基础补强 。
The twenty bored cast-in-situ piles were constructed for a bridge, then according to Technical Code for Building Pile Foundation, the low strain dynamic detection , in-situ loading plate test and drilling core test were carried out for the piles. As a results the defect of the piles was discovered. After the reason of defective piles was analyzed, the high pressure jet grouting method was put out to consolidate the defective piles, and the good effect of treatment has been gained for the defective piles.
Building Science
国家"十五"科技攻关计划项目 ( 2 0 0 1BA60 4A0 2 )