跟随路径导引是自主式移动机器人广泛采用的一种导航方式 ,其中视觉导航具有其他传感器导航方式所无法比拟的优点 ,是移动机器人智能导航的主要发展方向。为了提高移动机器人视觉导航的实时性和准确性 ,提出了一个基于路径识别的视觉导航系统 ,其基本思想是首先用基于变分辨率的采样二值化和形态学去噪方法从原始场景图像中提取出目标支持点集 ,然后用一种改进的哈夫变化检测出场景中的路径 ,最后由路径跟踪模块分直行和转弯两种情况进行导航计算。实验结果表明 。
Guidance using path following is widely applied in the field of autonomous mobile robots.Compared with then avigation system with out vision ,visual navigation has obviou sadvant agesasrichin for mation ,lowcost,quietness,innocuity ,etc .Thispa perdescribe sanavigation system which uses the visualin for mation provided by guide lines and colorsigns .In our approach ,the visual navigationis composed of three main modules:image preprocessing,path recognition and path tracking .First,image pre processing module for mulatescolor models of all kinds of objects ,and establi she seachobject’ssupport throug had aptive subsam pling based binarization and mathemati calmorphology .Second ,path recognition module detects the guidelines throug hanim proved Hough trans for malgorithm ,and the detected results including guide lines and colorsign sinteg rate the pathin for mation .Fi nally ,callingd if ferent function saccording to the movement of straight going or turning ,path tracking moduleprovidesre quired in put parameters to motor controller and steering controller.The experimental results de monstrate the effectiveness and the robustness of our approach .
Journal of Image and Graphics
国家"863"计划资助项目 (编号 :2 0 0 1AA42 2 2 0 0 )