

Analysis and the countermeasure about production state and product quality of mini cement plant
摘要 近年来,我国水泥产业结构明显改善,但受低品位水泥原料及立窑落后生产工艺的制约,小水泥企业的产品质量问题还未改善。如其产品品种混乱,生产过程滥用“添加剂”现象较多,水泥粉磨站企业的产品质量波动大、品种杂,等等。文章对此提出了有关对策和建议,主要是要尽快修订和完善水泥行业标准,加强宏观调控。 Recently,structure of China cement industry has been improved obviously.But as a result of restrict of low quality ce-ment raw material and undeveloped production technics of vertical kiln,many problems of cement quality of mini cement plant are still there,such as disordered variety of production,misapplying'additive'in the production process and fluctuant quality of product of cement grindingplant and mixed variety,etc.In this paper,relative countermeasure and suggest are brought forward,mainly about to amend and perfect the standard of cement industry and to strengthen macroscopical control as soon as possible.
作者 孟宪东
出处 《水泥工程》 CAS 2004年第4期11-13,共3页 Cement Engineering
关键词 水泥企业 产品质量 水泥原料 粉磨站 宏观调控 mini cement plant quality additive cement standard
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