目的 :了解神经症患者的述情障碍状况 ;了解不同类型的神经症患者述情障碍的差异及其主要的特点 ,为神经症的病因学研究及治疗和预防提供一些信息和证据。方法 :神经症组 :符合CCMD -III神经症诊断标准的病人 2 5 8人 ;符合DSM -IV分类与诊断标准中抑郁障碍的患者 73人 ,焦虑障碍 5 4人 ,抑郁与焦虑同时存在的 (共病 )6 5人 ,其它类型的神经症患者 6 6人。对照组 :无神经症及其它精神疾病健康人 ,共 15 0人。使用本课题组修订的2 0个条目的多仑多述情量表 (TAS - 2 0 )中文版作为评定工具 ,对所有样本进行述情障碍评定。结果 :两组在总分及各因子分上的差异显著 ,神经症患者的述情障碍明显高于正常对照组 ;抑郁性障碍、焦虑性障碍、抑郁与焦虑共存(共病 )三组在外向性思维因子分和量表总分上有明显的组间差异 ,抑郁性障碍组和共病组在外向思维因子分及量表总分上均显著高于焦虑性障碍组 ;不同性别的述情障碍比较结果表明正常对照组内没有明显的性别差异 ,而在神经症组内男性患者的述情量表总分和外向思维因子分明显低于女性病人。结论 :神经症患者存在明显的述情障碍 ,且女性更严重 ;不同类型的神经症患者述情障碍的严重程度存在差异 ,抑郁性障碍和共病患者的述情障碍比焦虑性障碍严重 ,主要表现在外向?
Objective:To investigate the alexithymia feature in the neurosis patients. Methods: 258 patients who met the neurosis's diagnosis criteria of CCMD-III were collected into the Neurosis group.The neurosis group was composed of 73 depressive disorder patients, 54 anxiety disorder patients, 65 patients with comorbidity of depression and anxiety disorder and 66 other neurosis patients.The control group was composed of 150 healthy persons. Neurosis group and control group were administered TAS-20 (the twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale). Results: The neurosis group got higher total score and subscale scores of TAS-20 than the control group. There were significant difference in alexithymia among depressive disorder, anxiety disorder and comorbidity patients. The female patients in neurosis group got higher total score and subscale scores about externally oriented cognitive style than the control group. Conclusion: The patients with neurosis have significant alexithymia and female patients were more serious than male. There were significant difference in different neurosis category , especially in the subscale about externally oriented cognitive style.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology