富国强民是国家发展的根本 ,发展教育是富国强民的基础。进入新世纪 ,中国的教育改革随着时代大潮一起风起云涌 ,新的教育思想、教育理念 ,新的教育方法、教育形式层出不穷 ,而中小学教师继续教育培训更是牵动了上至国家领导、下至黎明百姓、专至教育大家、泛至社会各阶层人士。本文从多个方面简要论述了中小学教师继续教育理论的形成、发展与实施过程 ,分述了继续教育工作档案的特殊性 ,从而折射出这个特殊时期特殊教育形式的特殊性。
It is the root of development to make the country rich and people strong, which is based on developing education. Entering the new century, the education reforms in China spring up. The new educational ideas and thoughts, and the new educational methods and forms emerge in large numbers, and the training of primary and junior high school teachers' further education aroused the attention of the leaders of our country, common people, educationalists and people from all walks of life. This paper discusses briefly in several ways the formation development and implementation of the theory of primary and junior high school teachers' education, and analyzes the particularity of working files of further education, which reflects the particularity of the special education forms in this special period.
Continuing Education Research