语境在语言学研究中起着十分重要的作用 ,同时它也是语用学的重要研究课题。本文从语用学的角度出发 ,探讨语境在言语交际中的作用、地位和功能。以指示现象、会话含义、言外之力和语用推理为探讨对象 ,研究语境贯穿始终的作用。
In the course of linguistic study, context plays an important part. Meanwhile context is the vital researching topic in pragmatics. This paper makes a further study of context from a pragmatic point of view. It illustrates roles, positions and functions that context has on pragmatics. Detailed explanation about context with deixis, illocutionary force, conversational implicature and pragmatic reasoning are put forward.
Continuing Education Research