斑海豹(Phoca largha Pallas)的淡水饲养繁殖,国内尚未见详细报道。本文就济南动物园淡水饲养繁殖海豹的成功经验予以报道。斑海豹淡水饲养繁殖,需要有适宜的生态环境,尤其是水温一般不得超过26~28℃。海豹池的构造、水质、饲料也是关键问题。斑海豹的妊娠期为一年,正负5~20天左右。2~3月产仔,每胎一仔。其生殖期也是交配期,交配时间5~7天。仔海豹的哺乳期为26~28天,28日龄后即独立生活。仔海豹自17日龄开始退脱胎毛,约26日龄退完。仔海豹停止哺乳后4~6天换食鱼类。
This artiole reports our experience in raising and breeding Phoca largha Pallas in fresh water. It is found that the water temperature should be maintained within 26 to 28℃, and the structure of the pool, the water quality and the feed are also crucial. The gestational period is 365±(5~20) days. The young are born in February or March, with one young at a birth. The reproductive season is also the mating season. The time period for mating lasts 5 to 7 days. The nursing period is 26 to 28 days, after which the young begin to live independently. The young begins to shed their fetal hair when they are 17 days old, and the shedding takes approximately 9 days. They start living on fish four to six days after nursing has been stopped.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology