目的:研究急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者机械通气时内源性呼气末正压的发生率,探讨内源性呼气末正压的临床意义。方法:前瞻性应用德尔格Evita 4和Evita 2 dura呼吸机测定34例ARDS患者机械通气时内源性呼气末正压。结果:34例急性呼吸窘迫综合症患者机械通气时内源性呼气末正压发生率为100%,内源性呼气末正压范围为2~15cm H_2O,平均为5.41±2.12cm H_2O,随着病情好转,内源性呼气末正压下降。结论:ARDS患者机械通气时普遍存在内源性呼气末正压,故此对ARDS患者机械通气时随时要注意内源性呼气末正压,减少气压伤的发生率。
Objective:To investigate the incidence of the intrinsic pusitive end-expiratory pressure of the ARDS patients treating with mechanieal ventilation,and to discuss with its significance. Mothods:Measured the intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure of the 34 ARDS patients treating with meehanical ventilation by useing Drager Evita 4 and Evita 2 dura respiratory prospectively. Results:The incidence of the 34 ARDS patients intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure treating with mechanical ventilation was 100%.The range of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressnre was 2~12 cm H-2O,the average range was 5.41±2.12cm H-2O,the intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure would deseeod with the patient's condition improved.Conclusion:The intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure existed when the ARDS patients trea-ting with mechanical ventilation,for this reason we should observe the intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure of the ARDS patients treated with mechanieal ventilation,in order to reduce the incidence of the boratrauma.
Journal of Clinical Emergency