目的 评价超声诊断膀胱疾病的价值。方法 回顾和总结分析二维及彩色多普勒超声诊断膀胱疾病 1 5 4例 ,全部病例均经手术、膀胱镜检查和病理证实。结果 膀胱结石 95例 ,膀胱肿瘤 4 9例 ,膀胱炎 5例 ,膀胱异物 2例 ,膀胱憩室 3例 ,阳性诊断率为 1 0 0 %。结论 超声检查具有无创、简便、价廉等特点 ,膀胱疾病阳性诊断率和诊断符合率高 。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasound in bladder diseases. Methods We studied two dimensional and color Dopper ultrasound imaging of bladder diseases in 154 patients.All cases were proved by pathology after cystoscope or operation.Results Bladder lithes were in 95 cases,bladder masses (49 cases),bladder infection (5 cases),bladder foreign body (2 cases)and bladder diverticulum (3 cases).Conclusions Ultrasound possesses actual screening value for diagnosing bladder diseases in clinical and it should be the first selected method for diagnosing bladder diseases.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasound Diagnosis