长久以来 ,人们习惯于凭智力测验对一个人的能力做出判断 ,并用之预测个体未来成就的高低。本文介绍了斯腾伯格 (R .J .Sternberg)最近提出的“发展中的专门知识技能说” ,认为智力测验和任何学业或职业成就测验一样 ,测的也是个体正在发展中的某种专门知识技能的暂时水平 ,其测验结果并不能说明一个人的能力 ,也不能用作预测。最后讨论了该学说对教育的启示。
For a long time, people has been used to judging one's ability and predicting his future achievement by intelligence tests. The article introduced R.J.Sternberg's lastest view of forms of developing expertise about intelligence tests.He believed that intelligence tests were same to academic and professional achievement tests.All of them could only test individual's temporal level of some kind of developing expertise. They couldn't indicate one's ability, or predict his future achievement.Finally, the article discussed the elicitations of this view on education.
Psychological Exploration