首先扼要阐述西方和中国各五位幼儿教育名家的背境 ,继而指出这些名家有那些关于潜能开展的主张 ,而这些主张若能得以承传 ,有望丰富实践多元智能教育关于“因才施教”这理想的内涵。最后从加德纳 (HowardGardner)对多元智能的定义 ,总结学校欲实践多元智能教育所应具备的前提 。
This paper seeks to summarize the background and educational and educational thoughts of ten famous early childhood educators, five each from China and abroad.It is argued that if their thoughts of human potential development can be wisely deployed,then it is possible to inform what an ideal Multiple-Intelligences-Inspired tailored pedagogy can be.Lastly,based on Gardner's definition of multiple intelligences,four pertinent educational principles and two prerequisites in undertaking teaching and learning based on the theory of multiple intelligences are summarized.
Psychological Exploration