本文根据广州 2 0 0 0年对暂住人口和出租屋的全面登记资料 ,已发表文章中可获得的北京、上海的流动人口资料 ,比较分析三大城市流动人口的特点。广州具有流动人口增长速度快、平均滞留期短、聚集在城乡结合部和居住出租屋的比例高、女性所占比例高、以务工为主的就业人口及相当于本地劳动力的比例高等特点 ,增加了对广州流动人口管理、特别是城乡结合部流动人口管理的难度。本文认为 ,改变城市产业结构 ,可以减少低素质外来工的比例和总量 ,但无法杜绝他们进入城市。因而将对外来工聘用单位和对流动人口居住地的管理相结合 ,将对流动人口和出租屋的管理与改变城乡结合部常住人口户籍和用地的二元管理体制相结合 。
Using non-native population data of Guangzhou's overall register in 2000 and data of Beijing and Shanghai in 1997, this paper compares non-native population features in these three big cities.Compared with Beijing and Shanghai, non-native population in Guangzhou has some features.Their total amount increases faster.They detained shorter average time.Most of them accumulate in joint area of built city and suburb and live in rented house.There are more females and more labors in them.And more labors work in secondary industry.The rate of non-native labor to native labor is higher.These features make the non-native population management more difficult in Guangzhou.The adjustment of city's industrial structure can reduce the requirement for lower educated and less skilled non-native labor, but can not stop them entering city.Therefore, enhancing the non-native population management should be based on two key combinations.One is to combine the management of enterprises employing non-native labors with that of neighborhood areas where non-native population lived.The other is to combine the management of non-native population and rented house with the change in management system of land use and native population in joint area of built city and suburb.
Population Research
国家自然科学基金重点项目 !(4 98310 30 )