
35CrMnSi穿甲弹侵彻45钢靶板的微观组织观察 被引量:4

Microstructure investigation of 35CrMnSi rod projectile penetration into mid - carbon steel target plate
摘要 研究钢弹体侵彻韧性钢板的侵彻机理有理论意义和工程应用价值。用金相显微镜、扫描电镜研究了35CrMnSi穿甲弹侵彻45钢靶板后靶板和残余弹体的微观组织,并用显微硬度仪对试样的不同部位进行了硬度测试。结果表明,从界面到靶板内部其显微组织可分为:再结晶层,细晶层,形变层及基体组织。细晶层中的铁素体和珠光体的硬度最高。在侵彻过程中,弹靶相互作用,弹体边破碎、边穿甲,破碎主要是由绝热剪切带引起,靶板破坏形式主要为韧性扩孔。 It is useful to investigate the penetration mechanism of steel projectile into toughness steel plate. In this paper, the microstructures of mid - carbon steel target plate and residual projectile of 35CrMnSi steel have been analyzed using metallurgra-phy, SEM, and the micro - hardness has been tested. It is shown that the microstructures can be divided into recrystallized layer, fine - grained layer, deformed layer and normal matrix from the interface into interior, and the hardness of ferrite and pearlite in fine - grained layer is the highest. During perpendicular penetration, the projectile and the target plate act on each other, and the projectile smashes while penetrating, which caused by adiabatic shearing. The failure form of target is mainly ductile expanding.
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 2004年第5期20-23,共4页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
关键词 35CrMnSi穿甲弹 钢弹体 侵彻 绝热剪切 微观组织 high velocity impact penetration microstructure projectile adiabatic shearing
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