ARGO剖面浮标在海上长期工作 ,其携带的电导率传感器漂移会导致测量数据误差 ,从而影响观测资料的质量。文章利用误差理论和回归分析、曲线拟合等数理统计方法 ,检测和处理由 ARGO剖面浮标电导率传感器漂移所带来的测量误差 ,并对太平洋、大西洋和印度洋上已经发现有电导率传感器漂移的 ARGO资料进行了校正 。
During the long working time in the sea, the ARGO profiling float's conductivity sensor may drift which leads to the measurement error and affects the quality of the measured data This paper utilizes the error theory and symbolic statistics method including regression analysis and curve fitting, to detect and solve the conductivity sensor drift problem of ARGO profiling float This paper also calibrates the data of a number of ARGO profiling floats from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, which has the conductivity sensor drift problem, and obtains the satisfying result
Ocean Technology
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国家基础研究重大项目前期研究专项 ( 2 0 0 1CCB0 0 2 0 0 )